Table of Contents
CHAPTER I (Part One) 9
- The Origin of False Religions Began with Lucifer.
- The Rebellion in Heaven Against God.
- The Rebellion on Earth Against God.
- Lucifer was and is today worshipped as the Sun-god.
- The Doctrine of the Immortal Soul, Basic Foundation of Witchcraft.
- Astrology, the Origin of all Pagan Sciences.
CHAPTER I (Part Two) ................... page 35
- The Modern Term for Witchcraft taught in Colleges Today.
- The Origin of the "Great Rite" Among Modern-Day Witches.
- What Is Phallicism?
- The Jewish Star of David Is Not Originally from Judaism, but Babylonian Witchcraft.
- The Pentagram and Pentagon.
- Sacred Numbers and Letters in Witchcraft that Deceive Today.
- The Origin of the Number 666.
- Names for the Devil and Sungods That Add to 666.
- The Origin of the Name "Phoenix" (Fenex), an Ancient Name for Lucifer.
CHAPTER II (Part One).................. page 81
- The Origin of the Mysteries.
- Bible Knowledge to Test a True Prophet.
- A Brief Study About the Cabala, the Jewish Book of Magic.
- Origin of the Rosicrucians.
- What Is Illuminism?
- Who the Great God Hermes Really Was.
- Hermes and Nimrod: Founders of Freemasonry.
- More on the King God-man Ninus, Who Was Nimrod.
- Albert Pike, Highest Authority on Freemasonry, Was Not a Confederate Hero General As Believed and Taught Among Masons, but was a Washout.
CHAPTER II (Part Two)................. page 105
- A Comprehensive Study into the Secret Doctrines of Freemasonry.
- Documented Proof that Albert Pike Was An Open Worshiper of Lucifer.
- The Promotion of Modern Witchcraft by Apostles of Lucifer.
- Charles Manson, aka Jesus Christ God.
- Shocking Facts About the Beatles Rock Group's White Album, and About Other Rock Groups.
- Shocking Facts About Witchcraft Signs Being the Origin of Symbols of the United States Government.
CHAPTER III ................................ page 147
- Understanding the Symbolic Term Harlot As Given in Prophecy.
- A Comprehensive Study of Revelation, 17th Chapter.
- A Comprehensive Study of Daniel, 7th Chapter.
- Understanding the Symbolic Beast from the Bottomless Pit.
- The 1260 Year Prophecy of the Two Witnesses and the Papal Apostasy.
- Adam Weishaupt, The Human Devil, the 18th Century Nimrod.
- The History of the Secret Society of the Illuminati.
- The Illuminati Becomes a Freemasonry Order.
CHAPTER IV (Part One)............... page 190
- The Birth of Communism.
- The History Behind The League of the Just (A Front for The Illuminati).
- Karl Marx Writes the Communist Manifesto for The League of the Just.
- Nicholai Lenin Becomes A Member of The League of the Just, who later changed their Name to "The League of the Communists."
- Jacobin Clubs, The League of the Just, The League of the Communists and Bolshevism were all Illuminati Fronts.
- The Plan by the Modern 20th Century Illuminists to get Control of the World's Nuclear Weapons through the United Nations.
CHAPTER IV (Part Two) ............. page 208
- The Papacy and the United States foretold as the Two Beasts found in Revelation the 13th Chapter.
- The One World Government Conspirators within high places in the U.S.
- The Art of Subliminal Warfare through TV, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.
- The Communist Plot uncovered by the UnAmerican Activities Committee in 1947.
- Tracing Early Communism (Illuminism) in Early American History.
- More on International Banking and how American Bankers connected with the Rothschilds and the Illuminati Conspiracy.
- The History Behind the Federal Reserve Trap.
- President Woodrow Wilson and The League of Nations.
- Col. Edward Mandel House and the Founding of the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
- The United Nations: Headquarters for the One World Government Conspiracy.
CONCLUSION ............................. page 248
- The Communist Trap to Use Christianity to Destroy Christianity through the World Council of Churches
- Signs Today that Show the Coming Merger of Communism (Illuminism), Catholicism and Apostate Protestantism.
- The Coming Worldwide "Reign of Terror."
- The Seal of the Living God on Their Foreheads.
- Jesus Christ, Who Was, Is, and Is To Come.
- A Sign Given by Christ to Show the Earth and Its Inhabitants that Jesus Christ Is the Creator.
- What the Mark of the Beast (Papacy) Is.
- The Papacy Is Branded with the Number 666.
- Come Out of Her, My People.
- Jesus Christ Will Destroy Lucifer and All His People.
- The Universal Product Code.
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